

We’re providing a home for the creative and curious to discover something new and take a leap forward in their musical journey.

On Kelley Carter, you can explore a great article about how your favorite artist achieved her sound, subscribe for dozens of in-depth courses that challenge you and expand your musical horizons, or invest in your sound by working 1-on-1 with an expert mentor.

Most importantly, we’re here to nerd out with you about this magical thing we all love called music…

A Love of Learning In a Way That Works

Music is a journey, and there’s always more to learn. We aim to make that journey easier and more fun.

Accessibility of Great Education

We’re committed to making sure that a large part of our resources always remain free and open.

Every Voice Matters, Especially Yours

There’s no one right way to play music. We celebrate your unique sound and the courage it takes to share it with the world.

About Kelley Carter

Kelley Carter is an online resource that focuses on music marketing, artist development and business education to empower aspiring and emerging artists who want to make a living off music as an independent.

The aim of this blog is to help guide DIY musicians in a highly competitive industry with strategies and tactics to effectively promote music and attract life-long fans. By emphasizing the importance a strong foundation, you will be better equipped to navigate and adapt to the ever-changing music landscape with a clearer direction towards independent success.